Sherman Taylor, Social Studies teacher at Marlinton Middle School, has been selected by the WVDE to represent our state and participate as a panelist in the multistate standard-setting study for the Praxis® Middle School Social Studies (5589) test.
In order to establish a passing score (or cut score) for the required teacher licensure exam, ETS has designed a multistate standard-setting study that includes gathering professional judgments from a variety of educators.
The purpose of this multistate standard-setting study is to recommend an appropriate passing score for West Virginia and other states that use this assessment as a licensure requirement. Our state’s representation in the multistate standard-setting study is very important. Sherman was nominated by the WVDE and selected by ETS as an educator who would bring valuable expertise and experience to the study.
We are proud of Mr. Taylor. He is a Teacher Leader and this is a wonderful opportunity for him to showcase his expertise and those of West Virginia teachers on a national level.