Safe Schools

an image of an old school house surrounded by trees with text that says "Safe Schools, Bright Futures!"

The Pocahontas County Board of Education is committed to maintaining a safe school environment.

The Board believes that school crime and violence are multifaceted problems that need to be addressed in a manner that utilizes the best resources and coordinated efforts of District personnel, law enforcement agencies, and families.

The Board further believes that administrators and local law enforcement officials must work together to provide for the safety and welfare of students while they are at school or a school-sponsored activity or while enroute to or from school, or a school-sponsored activity.

2024 Safe Schools Forum Information:


how to talk about school threats with kids

5 Tips for How to Talk to Children About School Shootings

Safe Schools Resources and Partners

SeeSend App

The Governor's West Virginia School Safety Initiative utilizes the See Send app, which allows users to anonymously submit information about potentially threatening behaviors or activities.

The See Send app allows users to capture a photo of a suspicious activity or simply send in information with written text. Information received in the app is sent directly to WV Fusion Center, where the tips can be evaluated and provided to law enforcement as needed.  

The See Send app can be found on all district-provided student devices for easy-to-use reporting. The video below, provided by the West Virginia Department of Education, outlines how to use the See Something Send Something Application.

Bullying Prevention

According to, “bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems.”

Pocahontas County Schools participates in the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. For most schools in our district, 2024/25 is the first year of full participation. For information about the program, visit the Olweus Website.

 Bullying Resources for Parents

Bullying Resources for Students

suicide prevention ribbon

Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

Schools are a key setting for suicide prevention. Teachers, mental health providers, and all other school personnel who interact with students can play an important role in keeping them safe. By passing House Bill 2535, West Virginia established requirements for that state’s middle and high schools to distribute and discuss suicide prevention awareness information to its students.

Mental Health Services

School mental health services are essential to creating and sustaining safe schoolsSeventy-five percent of students struggling with mental illness do not receive mental health services and mental health is a key component in students’ healthy development and academic achievement. Increased access to mental health services and supports in schools is vital to improving the physical and psychological safety of our students and schools, as well as academic performance and problem-solving skills. Increasingly, school systems are joining forces with community health, mental health, and social service agencies to promote student well-being and to prevent and treat mental health disorders. Through these collaborations, schools and local agencies are working together to address the growing health, behavioral, and mental health needs of students.

Youth Health Services Logo - YHS with WV in the background

Pocahontas County Schools is proud to partner with Youth Health Services to provide extended mental health services to our students. YHS therapists and social workers work collaborative with school personnel in many schools throughout its service region including Randolph, Barbour, Tucker, Pocahontas and Upshur Counties., Five schools are identified as full service expanded school mental health partners. They are Davis Thomas Elementary/Middle School, Tucker Valley Elementary/Middle School, Tucker County High School, Green Bank Elementary/Middle School, and Pocahontas County High School.

The program reduces barriers to learning, improves academic performance, improves attendance, and improves school functioning/behavior by mixing YHS’ behavior health services with student services typically provided in schools.  Further, is increases access to high quality, child and adolescent mental health services for youth in our service region.  Some of these services include individual and group therapies, supportive counseling, medication management, classroom support groups and prevention services which would otherwise be difficult to receive due to the rural area we reside.

It you would like further information on this program or would like to make a referral for services, please contact Youth Health Services @ 304-636-9450.

Additional Resources


cover of WVDE school safety manual - click for more information

WV School Safety Initiative Report

cover of kids safety online manual with a picture of someone texting.