Local School Improvement Council (LSIC)

What is LSIC?

Local School Improvement Councils (LSIC) are required per W.Va. Code § 18-5A-2. These councils exist at each public school in West Virginia. Membership of the LSIC is comprised of teachers, service personnel, bus drivers, parents, business and community representatives. An election occurs annually for membership. The LSIC is directly involved with the operation of the local school in many ways.

Through collaboration, the LSIC is designed to help a school define strengths and weaknesses of a school and develop solutions to:

  • Meet or exceed standards established by the West Virginia Board of Education

  • Increase administrative efficiency, 

  • Enhance the delivery of instructional programs, 

  • Promote community involvement in the local school system,

  • Improve the educational performance of the school generally.

The West Virginia Department of Education has developed an electronic resource for schools and communities to assist them in their efforts to provide quality school improvement through Local School Improvement Councils.

For additional information about how you can engage in the Local School Improvement Council process contact your child's principal.

Meeting Minutes:

Please visit your school's website/LSIC page to view the current school year's meeting minutes.

WVDE LSIC Organizational Guideline Calendar:

LSIC Calendar