Become a Substitute Teacher with Pocahontas County Schools!
Individuals with a bachelor's degree or higher in any field are eligible to become a substitute teacher by following the steps below for certification. Additionally, Pocahontas County Schools has received a waiver to be able to work with individuals with an associate degree or 60+ hours towards a bachelor's degree as substitute teachers.
In order to be eligible for the substitute shortage program you must:
hold at least an associate degree or have 60+ hours towards a bachelor's degree;
be 18 years of age or older;
be physically, mentally, and emotionally qualified;
complete the application/certification process below
be of good character; and
the county must have a critical need shortage waiver on file
NOTE: If you hold a bachelor's degree or higher in any field, you are eligible for certification regardless of county waiver status
Steps for Certification
The following steps must be completed in order to become a substitute teacher for Pocahontas County Schools:
Complete the county "Substitute Application": https://forms.office.com/r/mCQ3vQTwKT
Register for a "WV Learns/WVDE Certification" Account: WVDE Certification Portal (k12.wv.us)
Enroll in and Complete "Initial Substitute Training" course:
Visit: Teacher Professional Learning - West Virginia Department of Education (wvde.us)
Scroll down the page and you'll see "Substitute Permit Courses"
Click on the link, register, and enroll in the Initial Substitute Training Course
Send official transcripts and completed course certificate to: ollie.barkley@k12.wv.us
Complete Form 7: WVDE Certification Portal (k12.wv.us) and send to ollie.barkley@k12.wv.us
WVDE will email applicant information for scheduling background check and a required code
Schedule and complete a background check
Complete Form 2A, 2S, or 2L: WVDE Certification Portal (k12.wv.us)
Form number completed depends on college transcript
Please do not complete form until awarded Initial Substitute training certificate
Superintendent will make determination as to whether to submit hire request to board of education
If placed on board agenda, you must receive approval for employment from board
Complete payroll packet and sign contract
Information on salary and benefits can be found here: Salary and Benefit Package Information | Pocahontas County Schools (k12.wv.us)
You will be placed on the substitute call list
Welcome aboard!
Substitute Permit Renewal Information
Follow the steps listed in this document: WV Learns Substitute Renewal Information.pdf - Google Drive to renew your substitute permit
WV Alternative Certification for Educators
Alternative certification is an “alternate” pathway to teacher certification that is only available to fill critical need and shortage areas in West Virginia public schools. School districts with approved alternative certification programs may offer employment to eligible individuals who do not hold a professional teaching certificate. Candidates accepted into the district’s approved alternative certification program hold an Alternative Teaching Certificate and teach while completing the program of study. Upon successful completion of the program, assessment and evaluation, candidates may be recommended for a Provisional Teaching Certificate by the school district. Individuals with a Provisional Teaching Certificate work to meet conversion criteria for an initial Professional Teaching Certificate.
Read more about this program here: West Virginia Alternative Certification for Educators Brochure.pdf - Google Drive